Yasha Christian Ministries is based in Pretoria, Gauteng, South Africa.
We focus on providing Counselling, Support Services and Bible Resources and Teachings.
Yasha is an Old Testament Hebrew word, a Verb, when translated means:
to save, be saved, be delivered
to be liberated, to be saved (in battle), be victorious, to save from moral troubles, to give victory to.
Yasha Christian Ministries is a ministry with a primary focus on Counselling and related therapeutic services based on the Christian Faith. Our goal is to provide Christ Centered, Bible Based and Spirit Led services to those who need and require Spiritual Guidance.
We believe and follow doctrine that is based on the teachings and life of Jesus Christ our Savior, is Holy Spirit Inspired and Led, and is founded and based on the Word of God; the God of Abraham, Isaak and Jacob.
Jesus clearly stated that there are only two kingdoms in the spiritual realm, that of either God or satan (Matthew 12:26). We, as servants of God, therefore submit under His rule, as the King of Heaven and our Father (James 4:7).
We are an interdenominational, inter-faith organisation with the sole purpose of promoting the Kingdom of God, as we are lead and inspired by God through the life of Jesus Christ our Savior.
Jesus came to set captives free (Luke 4:18), that He is the shepherd (John 10:14) and the door (John 10:9-10), and that He left us to prepare rooms for us in the House of God, our Father's House (John 14:2-4). This is the ultimate goal of all believers in God, to reach Him, and spend eternity with Him (John 14:4), and we know how to get there.
As servants our role as imitators of Christ (Ephesians 5:1–2), is to serve at God' mercy and His favor, to be shepherds and vessels, doors and access points, to the House of God and His presence.
We, as shepherds and also sheep, do not own the land we graze nor the sheep that we are here to protect and guide, but are managers appointed to manage God's lands and His people, each as appointed and gifted by God ( Matthew 25:14–30).
The Pools of Bethesda in John 5 was a pool where people got healed. The pool had 5 gates that lead to the pool. Scripture says that all gates were equal, and all entering through those five gates had equal chance of receiving the reward. No matter which gates the people took, they all had the opportunity to receive healing.
We will focus on our own race, on our own resources, our own strengths, and our own weaknesses (Hebrews 12:1-2). We will focus on getting to and through our own gate, to our own finish line (2 Timothy 4:7). We will be doors to pass through, stairs to climb, shoulders to lean on, and to stand on, lamps in the darkness and refuge in storms.
We are humble servants of God, here to lead and guide, be led and guided, teach and be taught, submit to God and be in positions of leadership, never for our own but to manage, for the Glory and Honor of the one and only true God.
We will not focus on any other gates, except our own gate, and not on any lane, except our own. We will not focus on any other person nor group in their race to and through their gate.
Therefore, we will not hinder, interfere, criticize nor judge any other person nor group in the race, irrespective of denomination or religion (Matthew 7:1-5). In the race we all run to God, irrespective of our denomination or religion, we all have one single goal: To reach God, and the many rooms that are in God’s House.
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